Itching over Foreskin

Itching over foreskin or itching over penis is an embarrassing problem. Itching usually arises from infections and allergies of the foreskin.

Common causes of itching over foreskin or penis include:

  • Balanitis or infection of the glans
  • Balanoposthitis or infection of the glans and foreskin
  • Genital Warts
  • Urethritis or inflammation of the urinary tube
  • Folliculitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Genital Scabies
  • Lichen Nitidus

Our experts can diagnose the cause of itching by mere examination of the foreskin and penis in most cases. Allergies may require some additional testing. Usually the treatment improves this condition in 2 to 3 days and therapy lasts a couple of weeks. Only certain conditions like chronic balanoposthitis may require surgical treatment with circumcision.

Chronic Balanoposthitis is the most common cause of itching over the foreskin and penis.

Itching over foreskin and penis is treatable

There is no point wasting time and drowning in embarrassment. Itching is treatable and the treatment is usually some medicines and creams. All you need to do is book an appointment with us for your treatment.

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