Burning in the Penis

Burning inside or over the penis can be a sign of many diverse problems such as:

  • Skin diseases like infections and allergies
  • Trauma or abrasion
  • Prostate Infection
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Urethritis or infection of the urinary pipe
  • Stone stuck in the urinary pipe

Tests needed for diagnosis

  • Just a checkup with our experts is good enough to diagnose in most cases
  • Occasionally a digital rectal examination and ultrasound may be needed to find the right cause
  • In case of confusions a ultrasound may be needed

How is burning in the penis managed ?

TraumaOintment or dressing
Infections Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory agents
Peyronie’s DiseasesMedicines, Intra-lesional Injections and Excision once disease is Stable
Stone in Urinary PipeMedicines or painless laser surgery
Common causes of burning in the penis and possible treatment options

Start your treatment with our experts and see the difference

All you need to do is enter your phone number here and we will fix an appointment with our healthcare expert for detailed evaluation and planning treatment.

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